Home » Blog » Closeness with Confidence: Addressing Concerns About Intimacy with Dental Implants
Are you concerned about how dental implants might impact your intimacy and confidence? Rest assured, you're not alone. In this insightful guide, we tackle the common concerns surrounding intimacy and dental implants, providing you with reassurance and solutions to enhance your confidence in romantic moments. From discussing the impact of dental implants on kissing, to speaking, and overall comfort, we'll address your worries head-on. Discover how dental implants can actually improve your self-esteem and bring you closer to your loved one with newfound confidence. Don't let uncertainty hinder your relationships. Read on to learn how to embrace closeness with confidence through dental implants.

By Leanne.

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Navigating relationships, dating and intimacy with dentures, whether removable or fixed, is something that many people think about, but few people talk about. Yet, you only have to type the subject into a search engine, and you’ll see that thousands of people are researching this very topic.

Relationships revolve around talking, eating, drinking, smiling, laughing, kissing, and being intimate. So it’s unsurprising that people are concerned and anxious about their social life with dentures.

Let’s face it. A toothless smile can wreck your confidence in social situations, but it can also do the same thing in private moments with people you care about. The solution for some is dentures and for others looking for a fixed option, a full restoration such as the All at Once® implant bridge.

Already have a partner, or entering into the dating scene?

We’ve all heard of, right?, however, doesn’t appear among the top 10 dating sites.

If you feel unattractive because you have missing teeth, you might begin to avoid intimacy and emotionally distance yourself from your partner, even if that’s not what you want to do. Your partner may not care, but you care!

When you feel embarrassed about missing teeth, it’s hard to feel comfortable enough to be close and intimate with the person you love, despite how many years you’ve spent together.

Is it hard to kiss with dentures?

It can be. Depending on how well your dentures fit or if you’re using a denture adhesive to hold them in place, you may not have much to worry about. However, the biggest problem with kissing while wearing dentures is the amount of suction used. Puckering your lips can dislodge your denture (partial or full), which could be humiliating.

If you’ve only recently undergone extractions/dentures/implants, obviously, there is healing time to consider, with stitches, swollen gums and discomfort. Also, there is a steep learning curve to manoeuvre around kissing/intimacy and avoiding inadvertently biting due to the removal of the periodontal ligaments and the loss of sensation/feedback. 

The topic is difficult enough with a long-term partner, but then there’s dating.

So, how do you approach the subject? If you’re still in the early stages of the relationship, before you get too intimate, it’s a good idea to let your partner know. You don’t have to go into full details, but you should tell them you wear dentures or have an implant bridge.

 It’s hard to know when it’s the right time… you may not want to tell them too early in case they are put off and you’re not sure how they will react. Also, you don’t want to tell them too late as they may think you weren’t being as open and honest with them as you should be. Like finding out 6 months in that your partner has children (oops, did I forget to tell you that)?

Do you tell and when?

Taking care of yourself and improving your appearance, including your oral health, is to be commended. It’s not a time for judgement. If you had a prosthetic limb, would you tell? Would you wear clothing that covered the limb or try to hide it? Would you be embarrassed or ashamed of your body? We all want and need acceptance and unconditional love.

Perks of improved oral health

The good news is that you’ll likely feel much more comfortable in social interactions with your new dentures or implants than when your mouth was in a state of disrepair from decay, loose, broken or missing teeth.
Many patients report a higher level of self-confidence due to their brighter new smile.

Increased confidence

No halitosis (bad breath issues) 

Looking and feeling your best 

If the idea of kissing with dentures leaves you anxious about putting yourself out there and dating, it might be time to consider implant dentures. Finding a permanent solution such as All at Once®  will allow you to replace your missing teeth with an implant bridge that looks, feels, and functions just like natural teeth.

As a result, you can confidently enjoy the time spent with your significant other without worrying whether your teeth will shift or fall out while kissing or being intimate. Instead, you can trust that your teeth will remain firmly in place. Then you and your partner can create memorable, romantic evenings you’ll never forget.


There’s never a perfect time to tell, but the sooner you get it out there, the more you can relax and be yourself. Holding onto hidden details/secrets about yourself can make you act hesitantly and remain guarded in intimate moments and not enjoy your relationship fully.

By sharing your vulnerability, it could bring you even closer.

Whether it’s a partner of 40 years or a new fling, kissing is an important part of any romantic relationship. Tooth loss not only takes your confident smile but can also rob you and your partner of intimate moments together. Just like many other aspects of intimacy, there’s no correct answer that works for everyone. You may likely find that your partner or potential partner is very supportive of you taking control of your dental health and overall happiness.


If you’ve decided not to tell. What about overnight stays (with dentures) and taking them out for sleepovers. Do you? Would you?
Wearing your mouth guard and nightly cleaning rituals will undoubtedly prompt your partner to be curious about your attention to detail and possibly bring up awkward conversations.

Disclaimer: The information provided on this platform, including text, graphics, and images, is intended for general informational purposes only. It is not a substitute for professional dental advice, diagnosis, or treatment. For specific dental concerns, it is crucial to consult with a qualified dental practitioner. They will be able to assess your individual circumstances, provide accurate diagnoses, and offer appropriate treatment options tailored to your specific needs

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